Friday, 20 May 2011

Free training of computer printer   cartridge refilling by PRODOT

Prodot,the leading brand name in the field of Printer cartridge & refilling products in the country,has taken initiative to organise free one week refilling training programmes on continuous basis for the unemployed youth of the country.The Managing Director of the company Pramod Rajpal ,while announcing this training programme, emphasised that its the need of the hour that without much investment self employment opportunities can be created throuhout the length & breadth of the country.He told that each batch of training programme will be of one week duration in which young boys and girls can participate.The minimum qualification for the candidates to enroll themselves for this training is tenth class.During the training session apart from refilling processes of various kind of cartridges the working knowledge of different types of printers will also be imparted for benefit of the learners.Training will be given with the help of audio visual media as well as by class room lectures.The more emphasis will be on ‘On Hand Training”,so that they will learn properly and can run this refilling business efficiently.Mr. Rajpal also said that after completion of training certificates will be awarded to successful participants which they can use to become part of the PRODOT refilling network or to start enterprise as certified Prodot Refiller.He added that meritorious candidates identified during training may be offered jobs in the company as trainee and later they will  be absorbed as permanent employee depending upon their performance

The trade of Computer printer cartridge refilling can be seen as an opportunity to earn sufficient and regular income from low investment.Does any one believe that training of hardly one week can enable even semi literate person to have an income of Rs.1750 from a bottle of cartridge ink which costs just Rs.150? Obviously this proposal can be seen as illogic.But surprisingly its true and thousands of people are earning their bread and butter from this kind of jobs.It is not difficult to understand the calculation & formula of this earning.To refill the empty inkjet printer’s black cartridge just 8 ml of ink is being injected.Now one can understand that from a bottle of 200 ml cartridge ink exactly 25 empty inkjet cartridges can be refilled.As per market rates each refilling is being charged from Rs.70 to Rs.100 per cartridge from customer.So at the nominal rate of Rs. 70/cartridge refilling the total amount can be collected Rs.1750 from one bottle of 200 ml.And if it is being calculated at rate of Rs.100 per refill then the total amount can be Rs.2500.More or less same kind of profit margins can be earned easily from color refillings.The initial investment is in the form of tool kit which consists of basic tools and ink bottles.It costs not more than Rs.2000.

To know more details about this training programme or to enroll one may contact on following telephone nos. (+91-11)-4757-8000 (30 Lines)
Fax:  (+91-11)-4757-8001
The website or send email  of the company may also be seen to get  further information. DATALINK INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION
DELHI-110052 (INDIA)

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

कंप्यूटर प्रिंटर कार्ट्रिज रिफिलिंग की बेरोजगारों को फ्री ट्रेनिंग देगा प्रोडॉट

कंप्यूटर प्रिंटर कार्ट्रिज रिफिलिंग की  बेरोजगारों को फ्री ट्रेनिंग देगा प्रोडॉट

कंप्यूटर कार्ट्रिज रिफिलिंग यानी कम पूँजी से भरपूर लाभ का मौका .क्या कोई विश्वास  कर सकता है कि मात्र एक सप्ताह की ट्रेनिंग के बाद महज़ 150 रूपये की एक इंकजेट कार्ट्रिज इंक की 200 मिलीलीटर की बोतल से लगभग 1750 रूपये तक की कमाई आसानी से की जा सकती है.ये है न हैरानी की बात? लेकिन इसका इसका गणित बिलकुल आसान सा है.प्रति ब्लैक  खाली कार्ट्रिज रिफिलिंग के लिए 8 मिलीलीटर इंक डाली जाती है तो इस प्रकार 200 मिलीलीटर की एक बोतल से 25 खाली कार्ट्रिज की रिफिलिंग हो सकती है. प्रत्येक रिफिलिंग का बाजार का रेट 70 से 100 रूपये तक होता है.अगर 70 रूपये का ही रेट लें तो भी 25 रिफिल से 1750 रूपये बड़ी आसानी से कमाए जा सकते हैं.और 100 रूपये की दर से 2500 रूपये तक.कमोबेश यही स्थिति रंगीन कार्ट्रिज के बारे में भी होती है.इस कार्य के लिए जो किट इस्तेमाल में आती है उसका मूल्य हद से हद 2000 रूपये तक हो सकता है जिसमें कुछ आवश्यक टूल्स और ब्लैक और कलर इंक की बोतलें भी शामिल हैं.

बेरोजगार युवाओं को स्वरोजगार की दिशा में अवसर प्रदान करने के उद्देश्य से कंप्यूटर कार्ट्रिज और रिफिल बनाने वाली देश की नामी कंपनी प्रोडॉट ने कार्ट्रिज रिफिलिंग की मुफ्त ट्रेनिंग देने की घोषणा की है.प्रोडॉट ब्रांड से लोकप्रिय कार्ट्रिज और रिफिल सहित करीबन 150 तरह के सम्बंधित प्रोडक्ट्स बनाने वाली डेटालिंक्स लिमिटेड के प्रबंध निदेशक प्रमोद राजपाल ने इस अभियान को समय की ज़रूरत बताते हुए कहा कि अत्यंत कम पूँजी के ज़रिये कार्ट्रिज रिफिलिंग का काम शुरू कर पर्याप्त कमाई करना कोई मुश्किल काम नही है. निरंतर एक –एक सप्ताह की अवधि तक दिल्ली स्थित उनकी कंपनी के कॉर्पोरेट ऑफिस (वजीरपुर इंडस्ट्रियल एरिया ,दिल्ली ) में चलने वाली इस ट्रेनिंग के बारे में श्री राजपाल ने यह भी बताया कि इसमें दसवीं पास युवक और युवतियां हिस्सा ले सकते हैं.ट्रेनिंग के दौरान न सिर्फ कंप्यूटर के विभिन्न प्रकार के प्रिंटर्स और उनमें इस्तेमाल किये जाने वाले रिफिल और कार्ट्रिज के बारे में ऑडियो-वीडियो तकनीक तथा क्लास रूम लेक्चर के माध्यम से जानकारी दी जायेगी बल्कि साथ साथ प्रेक्टिकल ट्रेनिंग भी दी जायेगी. इसमें “ऑन हैंड ट्रेनिंग “के ज़रिये युवाओं को दक्ष बनाने पर विशेष ध्यान दिया जाएगा ताकि वे सफलता पूर्वक स्वरोजगार के तौर पर इस व्यवसाय को अपना सकें.
ट्रेनिंग के बाद सफल युवाओं को प्रोडॉट कंपनी की ओर से सर्टिफिकेट दिया जाएगा जिसका फायदा वे कंपनी के रिफिलिंग नेटवर्क के साथ जुड़ने के अलावा सर्टिफाईड रिफिलर के रूप में स्वरोजगार शुरू करने में भी कर सकते हैं.श्री राजपाल ने यह भी कहा कि इन ट्रेनिंग सेशंस में अत्यधिक दक्षता दर्शाने वाले युवाओं को कंपनी द्वारा नौकरी देने की भी योजना है.हालांकि प्रारंभ में ट्रेनी के तौर पर ही रखा जाएगा.इस ट्रेनिंग में भाग लेने के इच्छुक युवा अधिक जानकारी और रजिस्ट्रेशन के लिए फोन नंबर: 01147564720 अथवा वेबसाइट  or send email से संपर्क कर सकते हैं.             

Free training of computer printer cartridge refilling by PRODOT

Friday, 13 May 2011

Free training of computer printer and cartridge refilling by PRODOT

The trade of Computer printer cartridge refilling can be seen as an opportunity to earn sufficient and regular income from low investment.Does any one believe that training of hardly one week can enable even semi literate person to have an income of Rs.1750 from a bottle of cartridge ink which costs just Rs.150? Obviously this proposal can be seen as illogic.But surprisingly its true and thousands of people are earning their bread and butter from this kind of jobs.It is not difficult to understand the calculation & formula of this earning.To refill the empty inkjet printer’s black cartridge just 8 ml of ink is being injected.Now one can understand that from a bottle of 200 ml cartridge ink exactly 25 empty inkjet cartridges can be refilled.As per market rates each refilling is being charged from Rs.70 to Rs.100 per cartridge from customer.So at the nominal rate of Rs. 70/cartridge refilling the total amount can be collected Rs.1750 from one bottle of 200 ml.And if it is being calculated at rate of Rs.100 per refill then the total amount can be Rs.2500.More or less same kind of profit margins can be earned easily from color refillings.The initial investment is in the form of tool kit which consists of basic tools and ink bottles.It costs not more than Rs.2000. Prodot,the leading brand name in the field of Printer cartridge & refilling products in the country,has taken initiative to organise free one week refilling training programmes on continuous basis for the unemployed youth of the country.The Managing Director of the company Pramod Rajpal ,while announcing this training programme, emphasised that its the need of the hour that without much investment self employment opportunities can be created throuhout the length & breadth of the country.He told that each batch of training programme will be of one week duration in which young boys and girls can participate.The minimum qualification for the candidates to enroll themselves for this training is tenth class.During the training session apart from refilling processes of various kind of cartridges the working knowledge of different types of printers will also be imparted for benefit of the learners.Training will be given with the help of audio visual media as well as by class room lectures.The more emphasis will be on ‘On Hand Training”,so that they will learn properly and can run this refilling business efficiently.Mr. Rajpal also said that after completion of training certificates will be awarded to successful participants which they can use to become part of the PRODOT refilling network or to start enterprise as certified Prodot Refiller.He added that meritorious candidates identified during training may be offered jobs in the company as trainee and later they will  be absorbed as permanent employee depending upon their performance.
To know more details about this training programme or to enroll one may contact on following telephone nos. (+91-11)-4757-8000 (30 Lines)
Fax:  (+91-11)-4757-8001
The website or send email  of the company may also be seen to get  further information.
DELHI-110052 (INDIA)

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Recycling of Printer cartridge & Ribbon create self employment.

This gives an opportunity for the companies like ProDot datalinks amongst others to create a niche for them in the marketplace. There are other players in the market as well; however, most of them have not got the model right for India. Some offer perceived international quality at dollar royalty for earning in rupees, making profitability a distance dream. Other local companies do not offer the quality or the brand to build the market at a national level, thereby compromising on the long-term viability of the business.Refilled cartridges are ordinary printer cartridges that are refilled through the exact process, through which the original ink cartridges are manufactured. Refilled cartridges reuse all the parts of an already used cartridge while only replacing the parts that really needed replacement. On the other hand, OEM cartridges are made of unused material and parts.
Pramod Rajpal, CEO of ProDot, pointed out, “Once this industry gets matured, we will definitely look at marketing this concept aggressively all across India. Refilling printer cartridges provide benefits to all and it gives a win-win situation for everybody. Users can avail a refilled cartridge at a lower cost than the new one. Even the resellers are reaping the benefits, as the refilled cartridges are available at 5-10% lesser cost than the new cartridges and any amount taken from the user is much more profitable for them in terms of percentage.”
“Printer cartridge refilling is the best choice. Refilling printer cartridges saves up to 75% on print cost and also helps in saving nature by reducing e-waste and conserving natural resources. The cartridges can be refilled several times giving print quality equivalent to original depending upon the model. We do refilling for both inkjet cartridges as well as laser cartridges. For individuals as well as large corporate this is a very good cost cutting tool,”
He further highlighted, “One cartridge refill is one less going to landfill. We all know that cartridges are very hazardous to nature. Here, I would like to highlight some interesting facts and figures; In 2007, 3 bn cartridges were dumped in the landfills and cartridges take 400-1000 years to biodegrade. Refilling conserve natural resources, as reusing saves electricity, petroleum, and also saves other scarce natural resources.
Nonetheless, some fallacy still exists in the industry that refilled cartridges spoil printers in terms of their longevity or durability getting reduced. However, it is not the case. Properly refilled cartridges never damage the printer. If sub-standard cartridges with sub-standard parts, inks and toners are used, they can damage printers and reduce their life. For example, if a drum in a laser cartridge is not replaced, then it can definitely reduce the life of a printer. Lastly, constantly trying to fix a paper jam or ink leaking in printers can reduce the printer life. Moreover, the only case where a printer can get spoiled by a cartridge if a user uses sub-standard parts, incompatible inks or is not tested and cleaned thoroughly before refilling. Meanwhile, there are some players that give printer replacement guarantee if customer proves that his printer has been damaged due to their refill.
Even the printer warranty is not affected if a user uses a refilled cartridge. All OEMs write in their contract, which comes with the printer, that the warranty is not void if any user uses refilled or remanufactured cartridges.
Associated disadvantages
OEM cartridges are costlier because not only the material and parts used in their building are new but the ink filled in it is new as well. Besides, it is often argued by the major printing vendors that the ink used by them is of superior quality. Refilled cartridges as the name suggests are the ones which are up to 60-70% cheaper in comparison to OEM cartridges. The reason for this low price is that refilled printer cartridges are usually refilled with new ink and in most of the cases all its parts are reused. In extreme cases, some parts are replaced but that significantly reduces the cost.
However, OEM cartridges are considered to be more reliable. OEM printer cartridges can be refilled from 5-20 times depending on the type of cartridge and its particular printer make. This makes an OEM cartridge more reliable even for a reuse. On the other hand, on buying a refilled cartridge, users are not sure about how many times they can refill the cartridge before discarding. Refilling of cartridges helps in cutting down on cost of consumables without impacting the quality and yield. The refilling process and the use of 100% imported inks, toners, parts; and emphasis on strict quality control, ensures that the refilled cartridges deliver quality equivalent to OEMs. The professional players fill in the exact quantity of ink and toner as required for each cartridge ensuring that the yield is not impacted and as good as OEM. In some cartridges, where it is possible to fill more than the OEM specified quantity, they fill in extra ink/toner (taking care to prevent overflow during printing) ensuring that users get a higher yield than OEM in similar print conditions.Refilled cartridges offer a cost savings of more than 50% to consumers and businesses. It offers a quality of print and performance similar to an OEM cartridge, if refilled using our process and automated machines.
Secondly, it helps to reduce the environmental impact by preventing fewer cartridges to be recycled that end up in landfills. Most cartridges can be refilled 7-11 times easily. The benefit of this is immense as they may take hundreds of years to decompose. And thirdly, it provides an alternative choice to the consumer to buy services and consumables, and not limit it to only the OEMs.longevity or durability getting reduced. However, it is not the case. Properly refilled cartridges never damage the printer. If sub-standard cartridges with sub-standard parts, inks and toners are used, they can damage printers and reduce their life. For example, if a drum in a laser cartridge is not replaced, then it can definitely reduce the life of a printer. Lastly, constantly trying to fix a paper jam or ink leaking in printers can reduce the printer life. Moreover, the only case where a printer can get spoiled by a cartridge if a user uses sub-standard parts, incompatible inks or is not tested and cleaned thoroughly before refilling. Meanwhile, there are some players that give printer replacement guarantee if customer proves that his printer has been damaged due to their refill.